

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry serves to enhance the experience of the mass. Our goal is to promote singing and contemplative listening within the mass and create an environment for the assembly to engage in a deeper experience of faith. 

Music ministry includes our music directors, cantors, singers, and instrumentalists. During masses we lead and support the assembly in sung prayer. At other times, in the course of liturgical celebration, we sing songs to further enhance the reverence and beauty of the celebration, encouraging spiritual contemplation.

As St. Augustine said, “Singing is for the one who loves.” In Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship, we are reminded that our music is a gift from God.  Our  Music Ministry uses this gift to express our love for God and each other and to share our faith through sung prayer

Come Join Us

If you are interested in learning more about Music Ministry or joining our choirs, please contact
Norma Marchesani (St. Bernard): music@cath-comm.org or
Rebecca Urrutia (St. Matthew): rebecca.urrutia@cath-comm.org.

Music Ministry is happy to welcome new singers and instrumentalists who want to share their time and talents.


Lessons and Carols

If you missed the Lessons and Carols click the Play button above. It is an amazing spiritual journey and is worth a listen.