Justice & Peace


Justice & Peace

Some thoughts from the Justice & Peace Committee:

At our recent meetings we have been sharing about the social unrest and racism in our communities and our world with a desire to explore what we may do to effect change within ourselves and beyond. We will continue that discussion in subsequent meetings. In the meantime, here are are some words to ponder:

Pope Francis shared this from the Vatican on June 3, 2020:
"We cannot turn a blind eye to racism or exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life."

And Amnesty International recently suggested "Five Steps You Can Take Against Racism & Bigotry":

  • Listen to people who experience racism
  • Lean into awkward conversations
  • Challenge misinformation behind racist opinions by talking about people, not numbers
  • Think about the language you use, because words have the power to dehumanize
  • Talk about what you are for, as well as what you are against

Let us continue the conversation in our homes, in our communities and in our hearts. How is God challenging us today?

"May God's Spirit inspire each of us to find a way to be more engaged in promoting social justice."
Sister Elaine Betoncourt, on behalf of Holy Family Just Faith Ministry and the Collaborative Center for Justice.

Contact Carol Freedman - (860) 268-0966
Sue Gilbertie  - (860) 371-1111