
Knights of Columbus

Christmas Creche - Celebrating Christmas in our homes

Click the Play button above to view Christmas Creches from our parish families, featuring music from Lessons & Carols


Knights of Columbus Council 4122 logoSt Bernard Knights

The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. We work closely with our parish to provide a variety of support for many different needs of our parish. Has God been whispering in your ear? Maybe you are looking for ways to help others in the community or your parish family. We are always looking for new members/friends.

Contact us or learn more via this link.

Knights of Columbus Council 6626 logoSt Matthew Knights

Knights are men of faith and action. We strive to give back more to our communities than they give to us, and to provide an organization for men to find themselves amidst a chaotic world. We were built on four principle pillars: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism, each of these revealed in its own degree of Knighthood. Keep up with us and find out what we are doing to improve our community! Inquire for more information on how to join by contacting any present Knight! 
Contact us or learn more via this link.