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Youth Ministry



Faith + Fun Events for Teens in Grades 7-12

The Shroud of Turin
March 8th | after the 4PM Mass
St. Bernard Church

Our Parish family is invited to join the Youth Ministry on March 8, 2025, for light refreshments and a presentation of The Shroud of Turin following the 4 PM Mass at St. Bernard Church.  Deacon Alan Germain of the Archdiocese of Hartford will lead us on a journey of discovery!

The Shroud of Turin - is a centuries old linen cloth that bears the image of a crucified man. A man that millions believe to be Jesus of Nazareth. Is it really the cloth that wrapped his crucified body, or is it simply a medieval forgery, a hoax perpetrated by some clever artist? The shroud is the most scientifically studied artifact in history! Come and discover more details of what it might be or what it is!

All are welcome!

Living Stations of the Cross

The BSP Youth Ministry Presents 

The Living Stations of the Cross

Good Friday, April 18th | 7 pm


Teens in grades 7-12 are invited to participate in this representation of the Stations of the Cross.  Rehearsals begin on Sunday, February 16th at 6 pm at St. Matthew Church.

All are welcome!  We need actors, readers, lighting people and more.  This is a wonderful opportunity to serve our parish and build new friendships.

You may also contact Hilary or Bridget at youth@cath-comm.org for more info or for questions. 

Click HERE to view photos from the 2024 Living Stations of the Cross


VBS - Save the Date

Vacation Bible Study

July 14th – 18th from 9am to Noon in the St. Matthew Parish Center
For kids in grades K-6 and service opportunities for teens

More details coming soon.  Check back here or the Sunday Bulletin


2nd Saturday Faith + Fun nights are a great way to meet up with friends for the 5 PM Mass, great food and service….with lots of laughs and fun in between!  Please join us and bring your friends along!

2024 - 2025 Schedule:

St. Bernard St. Matthew
March 8th - Special Event - The Shroud of Turin April 12th - Road Trip - TBD


Save the Date

Two Great Trips


Friday, July 25th to Sunday, July 27th

Join us for an unforgettable weekend!
The Diocese of Norwich is organizing a trip to Steubenville East, a powerful Catholic youth conference in Springfield, MA for rising 9th through 12th graders. Experience inspiring talks, powerful worship, amazing live music and an opportunity to grow in faith with thousands of other young Catholics.   Click HERE to see what it is all about!

Blessed Sacrament Parish needs to submit a headcount and deposit to the diocese to reserve our spots.
If interested please contact Bridget and Hilary at youth@cath-comm.org  or call 860-872-0200 X- 306 by February 18th.

Cost of the conference is below.  Financial aid is available.

Cost $300 – Conference, food, and transportation from pick-up points
$150 – Housing for two people (2 nights)
$75 – Housing for four people (2 nights)

 Registration Coming Soon


For Reservations, Click HERE

The Blessed Sacrament Youth Ministry Team

Hilary Brady, Youth Minister; Cell: 860-550-0034

Bridget Thurston, Youth Minister; Office:  860-872-0200 X 306;

Cell: 860-202-0373

LeeAnn Fritsch, Secretary, Office: 860-872-0200 X 309

Our email is: youth@cath-comm.org


Photos from the Tied Fleece Blanket Silent Auction

Travel permission slip