K-Grade 6 Faith Formation

Blessed Sacrament Parish
K-Grade 6 Faith Formation






The 2024-2025 year, we are offering K-6 Faith Formation classes:

- Sunday, 8:45 - 9:45 AM at St. Bernard Parish Center

- Monday, 4:30 - 5:30 PM at St. Matthew Parish Center

- Monday, 5:45 - 6:45 PM at St. Matthew Parish Center



Our Program's Mission

The Blessed Sacrament Parish offers a family-based faith formation program rooted in the Gospel and geared toward application. The lessons pull from the upcoming Sunday readings and offer children ways to connect their faith to situations they may experience in their daily life at school, with their friends, or within their family. We also follow a program for students preparing for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, teaching on the significance and meaning of the Sacraments. As a faith formation program, we share and reinforce the Truth that God desires a personal relationship with each one of us and that relationship is something we should always grow and nourish.

"Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they?" - Matthew 6:26

Prayers & Teachings of Our Catholic Faith


Check out this link to the list of the Prayers & Teachings of Our Catholic Faith for Grades K-6.  Catechists teach the kids these prayers in class, and we also ask that families teach them at home. As kids memorize these treasures, more importantly, they learn the meaning behind them. 



For topics related to sacrament certificates and registration, contact:

LeeAnn Fritsch
Secretary, Faith Formation
860-875-0753 X 309

Before enrolling your child in Faith Formation, you must register at Blessed Sacrament Parish.

Our parish is committed to the safety and well-being of every child and we are in full compliance with The Charter for the Protection of Young Children as stated by Bishop Cote. All catechists are subjected to a criminal background check and training which enables them to be advocates for the children in their care.

Click here for more information on Safe Environments for Children.