


Marriage Application

Because marriage is both a vocation (a calling from God) and a sacrament, special gifts and graces are given to the couple entering Matrimony. Participants enter into the sacrament of Matrimony with the intention that their union will be permanent, faithful, and fruitful.

Arrangements for weddings must be made by the parties to the proposed marriage by meeting with the Pastor at least six months in advance of the wedding.  No wedding date will be scheduled until after your meeting with the Pastor.  This will allow sufficient time for the couple to complete the required meetings, to attend the pre-marriage programs and to prepare a proper celebration of the sacrament.  After completing and submitting the Marriage Application above, please contact the Parish Secretary at 860-872-0200, Ext. 2 (or email at massrequest@cath-comm.org) to schedule a meeting with the Pastor.