Our own Deacon Mike Berstene will be conducting the annual missionary cooperative appeal for the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers. Deacon Mike has extensive mission experience with Maryknoll. Over the years he has participated in and led mission trips to many countries where Maryknoll is in mission. Deacon Mike has also led many Maryknoll mission education programs. Deacon Mike will speak at all the Masses at St. Matthew Church August 27/28 and at St. Bernard Church September 3/4. He will give our parishioners an opportunity to take part in the vital work of brining Christ's name and Christ's message to all people. Deacon Mike will be happy to talk with any parishioners who are interested in doing overseas mission work as a Maryknoll Priest, Sister, Brother or lay Missioner. There will be a second collection for the Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers next weekend.
Please visit http://maryknollsociety.org/ for more information, and please visit http://maryknollvocations.org/ to learn more about a vocation as a Maryknoll missioner.