

We Invite You to Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Posted on March 24, 2022 in: General News

We Invite You to Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation

When in your BUSY day do you have time for the Lord?

We invite you to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation on either or both of these date:

A Day of Reconciliation

—Friday, March 25th—

7am to 7pm

St. Bernard Church-Rockville

Priests from the Vernon Deanery 
(schedule below)


Blessed Sacrament Parish
Reconciliation Service

—Sunday, March 27th—


St. Matthew Church-Tolland

Priests available for private confessions


A Day of Reconciliation Schedule
7:00 AM
Fr. Rick Ricard
8:00 AM
Fr. Rick Ricard
9:00 AM
Fr. Greg Galvin
10:00 AM
Fr. George Villamthanam
11:00 AM
Fr. Greg Galvin
Fr. Tadeusz Zadorozny
1:00 PM
Fr. Bijoy Joseph
2:00 PM
Fr. Gerry Kirby
3:00 PM
Fr. Bill Olesik
4:00 PM
Fr. Peter Liszewski
5:00 PM
Fr. Larry Barile
6:00 PM
Fr. Larry Barile

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