Haiti Committee Meeting
Thursday, January 27th at 4:30pm
Justice & Peace Committee Meeting
Thursday, January 27th at 6:00pm
Both meetings will now be held online. A link will be sent to those who regularly attend these meetings. If you don’t regularly attend but would like to be on copy, please contact Sue @ (860)371-1111 for further details.
Hope to see you there!
Thank You from IRIS:
A special thank you to all those who made our recent collection for refugees a success. We recently delivered a trunk load full of underwear to IRIS (Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services). May we continue to open our hearts to those in need, just as our loving God pours over us His abundant blessings.
Update on Items for Haiti:
Due to new transportation issues, please hold off on dropping off any more items at either church hall until further notice. However, the need continues, so cash donations will be gratefully accepted and be forwarded to the Outreach to Haiti office. Monetary donations can be dropped in the collection baskets at Mass or at either church office, clearly marked for Haiti. We received confirmation that Christmas gifts for the children of St. Pierre did arrive before the shipping issues started. As always, we ask for your continued prayers for our Haitian brothers and sisters. With much gratitude for all your support, the Haiti mission.