Membership Drive
The Knights of Columbus is an international Order of Catholic men who are called to lead with faith, protect our families, serve others and defend values in a busy changing world. We are holding a membership drive at all Masses at both St. Bernard Church (Council #4122) & St. Matthew Church (Council #6626) on the weekend of November 20 and 21. You will find that Knights of Columbus membership brings Catholic men together in a powerful way. For a free membership offer, simply go to, use code MCGIVNEY2020 and enter our council 4122 or 6626.
Knights of Columbus Council 6626 Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, December 12th in the St. Matthew Church Hall
Following the 8:30am & 10:30am Masses
Cost: $5/person, $20/family of 4 or more
Proceeds will go to the KofC Council 6626 general charities.
Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Competition
The Knights from Council 4122 and Council 6626 have joined with the Faith Formation Ministry of the Blessed Sacrament Parish to have a “Keep Christ in Christmas” poster contest for grades K thru 8. There will be a winner selected in 3 areas: Grades K-2, Grades 3-5, and Grades 6-8. The winners will receive a $25 award; and their posters will be submitted to a district level competition.
The intent of this contest is to get our children to expand their concept of what the birth of Jesus means to them and the world as a whole. (Ex. “Why did He come?”; “How did He come?”). Materials will be provided to each person who would like to participate in the program, along with an application and the rules that will be used to judge each submission. Their posters will be posted in the parish hall of each church; and, will also be posted on our parish website in the photos option.
ALL posters must be submitted by December 15th
Send us Your Crèche Pictures
In an effort to inspire others of the true meaning of our Christmas celebration, we are asking that you send in a picture of your Crèche (or Crèches) so that we can post them on the parish website for all to view. This is NOT a competition where we are seeking the best display. The primary purpose is simply to inspire others to display a crèche of their own. More information on how to submit phots can be found on the handouts.