We are looking for people to join our team:
~ lead the candy booth (teens welcome)
~ lead the Kid’s booth (teens welcome)
Raffle Items: We are looking for items to raffle. We don’t need the items now, but we need to know what they are by October 27th. Contact Debbie at frostyvillage@cath-comm.org
Attic Treasures: Drop off will be November 12th - 17th. Items will not be accepted earlier!
Cleaning out? Donations of yarn, quilting fabric (including dog, cat, children, and Xmas prints, etc.), buttons, quilt batting, felt, fleece, flannel, ribbon, baskets, Velcro, etc. are greatly appreciated. Leave in the Frosty Village Bazaar box under the coat rack in St. Matthew hall. Your kind donations are much appreciated as they boost our profits!