Dear Parish Family,
As I write this letter, I can’t help but notice my fingers on the keyboard look like they’ve been out playing in the dirt! They have. My garden is all planted and watered and ready to hopefully take off with the warming weather of June. I love the month of June and the energy you feel from people of all ages as they flee the confines of their homes and get out and enjoy the great outdoors. Life seems to come alive this time of year. I hope you are enjoying it.
This June we’ll also finish up a record-breaking number of sacramental Masses. Since October our parish celebrated eight Confirmation Masses and five First Holy Communion Masses. My sincere thanks to our three Faith Formation Coordinators – Mrs. Yaconiello, Mrs. Berstene and Mrs. Thurston. Well done team - you made each celebration seem as if it was the only one we had. What a privilege to offer these important sacraments to our youth during a very challenging year.
We also are filled with pride and joy as our young people prepare for graduation day. I know it has been a very difficult year for students of all ages, but they have persevered through it all and here we are at the end of the school year. May God bless each of you and especially those that will be graduating from high school and college. May God guide your steps and keep you always in His protective care.
And finally, welcome back to those who have recently returned to our Churches. We have missed you and are very glad to see you back in your old pews! You are all a blessing.
Fr. Rick