Haiti Committee Meeting - Friday, January 8th at 4:30pm
Justice & Peace Committee Meeting - Friday, January 8th at 5:30pm
Both meetings will be held via Zoom. Please contact Sue at (860) 371-1111 for more information or to receive a link to these meetings. We look forward to “seeing” you there!
A Big Thank You
The Justice and Peace Committee would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Christ Child Masses this year. While it was not our usual toy collection, we did receive just about $1,000 in gift cards for our social worker to distribute to families in need, and as we all know, the need is even greater this year. So thank you for helping to spread the true Christmas spirit among our neighbors by making their Christmas a little merrier and brighter.
From the Justice & Peace Committee
As we have continued to explore racism in our society, one thing has become apparent: that it permeates many facets of our society. We have found also that along with developing an increasing awareness of this, a number of local towns, such as Tolland, Hebron, Manchester and Ellington have begun to address issues of diversity, inclusion and quality of life, in areas such as housing, zoning, our schools and in relationships.
Outstanding among them, the Windsor Human Relations Commission has been offering virtual Zoom workshops on racial & social justice, entitled Race: The Series. The three-part series includes topics such as “Implicit biases and Microaggressions”; most recently, a discussion was held based on the movie, The Hate U Give, based on the young adult novel by Angie Thomas. We urge you to see the movie of the same name which is available on Netflix for a nominal fee prior to the discussion. It is a compelling and powerful sharing.
We invite all to access the series by using this link: https://townofwindsorct.com/community-development/#race-the-series
Additional workshops are planned in December and in 2021.
We welcome your thoughts and comments. Any questions, please call Carol @ (860) 268-0966.
From the USCCB Migration & Immigration Services
Congress is reportedly considering 2 bills, S.4071 and S. 4381, to address the health and economic impact of COVID 19. Unfortunately, there are no refugee or immigrant provisions in either bill. We urge you to contact your legislator to urge them to address their needs, as well, in these or upcoming bills, as “all are equal members of the human family”. For further information, link onto the website: justice for immigrants.org.