

Steubenville Youth Conference - Virtual Live Experience - July 17-18

Posted on July 08, 2020 in: General News

Steubenville Youth Conference - Virtual Live Experience - July 17-18

Dear Parents and Teens, 

Each summer Hilary Brady and I take a group of teens to the Steubenville Youth Conference.  This conference is a weekend filled with prayer, music, thousands of teens and a whole lot of fun!  It is an experience of a lifetime!  Obviously, we cannot meet in large groups for the foreseeable future.  That is why the LifeTeen and Steubenville producers are offering a virtual live experience on the weekend of July 17th and 18th .  The Live Stream begins at 5:30 PM, Friday the 17th.  A complete schedule of events is available.  They are also offering an evening on July 19th for adults. 

The theme for this year’s conference is: Hope Alive

This conference will be an interactive conference enabling the kids to get involved through poling and other actives.  Hilary and I would love for the teens in your household to participate.  We will be looking into using the church as a possible meeting place in addition to participating in our own homes.  Of course – if we use the church at some point during the weekend, we would adhere to all the social distancing requirements. 

Click here to register with the Blessed Sacrament Parish Group.

The cost is $40 per person.  The adult session is free.   You may sign in to your ParishGiving account or use a credit card for payments.  Financial assistance is available. 

Click here to view the SCHEDULE.

To learn more about the Steubenville Youth Conferences you may visit https://steubenvilleconferences.com/

Please feel free to call or email me or Hilary with questions. 

We both look forward to a Spirit Filled weekend with you and your Teen! 

With best regards, 

Bridget and Hilary 

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