The Diocese of Norwich Office of Faith Events presents PRIEST CHAT, Wednesday, May 6th at 6:30pm.
Join us as a faith-filled community in prayer and solidarity as we talk about our lives during the Pandemic. A priest from the Diocese of Norwich will guide us through these unprecedented times by answering your emailed or personal questions. Our goal is to simply provide a trustworthy forum for dependable Catholic guidance and information.
So go ahead ask your questions!
Please send questions in advance to
The BEST way to connect is through App or Internet so you can see the screen and hear the content!
Direct Link for Priest Chat:
*This is a safe website to download app or you can open the meeting in the browser- link found at the bottom of screen.
OR Internet Link:
Add Meeting number (access code): 627 473 387
Add Meeting password: PriestChat or 77437824 for phone or video system
*Select Open in Browser with the link provided at bottom of the screen
OR Telehphone:
Phone Number: 1-408-418-9388 Access Code: 627 473 387