

Safe Environments in the Diocese of Norwich

Posted on September 25, 2020 in: General News

Safe Environments in the Diocese of Norwich

Safe Environments Abuse Prevention Training

In the Diocese of Norwich, all volunteers who have regular contact with minors, all employees, all clergy, and all religious, are required to complete safe environments training.

This training is also available to any parishioner, or parent of a parochial school child, regardless of whether or not they wish to volunteer at their parish or school.

The Diocese of Norwich offers two Praesidium programs. Both cover the same material, just in different formats. You can take the on-line program, Armatus, or attend a one-time DVD presentation, Called to Protect.

Due to the current pandemic, the in person Called to Protect in person training classes have been postponed. Armatus is available and the preferred training at the time. As soon as in person gatherings are permitted, Called to Protect in person training will resume.

Please contact the Faith Formation Office at

(860) 872-0200 Ext 309 in order to be enrolled, or for more information.

Our children's safety is the responsibility of all Catholics.

In addition, the following documents are on our website www.blessedsacramentct.org.

Click here to go to the Safe Environments page on our website.

  • Safe Environments in the Diocese of Norwich
  • Diocese of Norwich : Sexual Abuse & Sexual Misconduct Reporting Procedures
  • 8 Things Children Can Do To Help Create and Maintain Safe Environments at Church and at School
  • 9 Things Teenagers Can Do To Help Create and Maintain Safe Environments at Church and at School
  • 10 Things Concerned Catholics Can Do To Help Create and Maintain Safe Environments at Church and at School
  • 12 Things Parents Can Do To Help Create and Maintain Safe Environments at Church and at School
  • 16 Things Employees and Volunteers Can Do To Help Create and Maintain Safe Environments at Church and at School

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