Gift Card Pick-up
This Weekend—March 8th & 9th after all Masses at St. Matthew Church
Next Gift Card Sale: March 29th & 30th
St. Bernard Women's Guild Annual Layette Collection
March 1st-9th
Catholic Charities needs infant and toddler items:
· Diapers size 4, 5 & 6
· Baby clothes newborn to age 3yrs
· Formula: Similac or Enfamil
· Hygiene: Wipes, lotions, shampoo
· Toys and books
Please place donations in labeled boxes in the St. Bernard Church Hall.
Young Adult Ministry - Upcoming Events
All Young Adults (21-40) are Welcome
If you have questions, want to get involved, or want more information about any of the below events, feel free to reach out to ministry leaders at
YAM Town Hall Planning Meeting
Tuesday, March 11th, 7:00 PM
St. Bernard Parish Center, Room 201
Join us as we go through the process of planning ministry events for the next few months. We are looking for ideas, and people willing to lead initiatives in the three focuses of our ministry: service, spirituality, and social engagements.
YAM Mass
March 16th, 10:00AM Mass
St. Bernard Church
The young adult ministry is starting to host monthly Masses at our parish by serving as the lectors, ushers, communion ministers, and gift bearers.
Lenten Conversations
March 17, 24, 31, April 7, 14, 28 at 7PM
St. Bernard Parish Center, Room 305
Young adults are invited this Lent to venture to learn more about life through the lens of three books in the bible. The young adult ministry will be reading Peter Kreeft’s Three Philosophies of Life. Please email to receive the reading schedule in the next few weeks.
March 22th, 6 PM (after 5 PM Mass)
St. Matthew Church Hall
Young adults are invited to join the young adult ministry and Fr. Alex for a few games of dodgeball. We will form teams, go over rules, and have a great time with our parochial vicar!
Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting
Thursday, March 13th from 9:30 - 11:30am in the St. Bernard Church Hall
We would love for you join us for an enjoyable morning of knitting/crocheting & fellowship. All are welcome.
For further information or to request a prayer shawl, lap robe, or pocket prayer shawl to give to someone, please call
Mary at (860) 926-4554 or Kathy at (860) 430-0659