Christmas gifts for kids
Again this year the Justice & Peace Ministry is collecting gift cards for Christmas distribution to families in need in lieu of collecting toys. The suggested value for gift cards is $25, but any amount is appreciated. Suggested stores are Walmart, Target, Kohls, Big Y, or Stop and Shop.
The gift cards can be placed in the collection basket at any Mass on the weekend of December 9th & 10th or brought to either parish office between now and December 10th.
The gift cards will then be distributed to Vernon Social Services, Tolland Human Services, Cornerstone, and DCF in time for Christmas. Help us make this a truly merry and blessed Christmas for these children.
You can give twice by purchasing gift cards at the Gift Card Sale the weekends of December 2/3 or December 9/10. You get the full value of the gift card to donate and our Haiti Mission receives a percentage of the sale from the retailer.
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