

Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services (IRIS) Visit

Posted on October 16, 2023 in: General News

Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services (IRIS) Visit

Thursday, October 26th - 7:00pm at St. Bernard Church

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…” (Mt 25:35-36)

Pope Francis in his message for the 109th World Day of Migrants and Refugees (9/23/23) shared “…the important thing is that there always be a community ready to welcome, protect, promote and integrate everyone without distinctions and without excluding anyone.”

What are we doing, as a community and as individuals, here in Connecticut to answer Pope Francis’ call? How can we learn more? What can we do to be of help?

Blessed Sacrament Parish Justice & Peace ministry invites you to this special evening with IRIS of New Haven and Hartford.

IRIS will update us regarding their mission to empower refugees and immigrants to become self-sufficient and integrate them into their new communities. They will discuss the programs they provide, challenges they face, available volunteer opportunities, including the Cultural Companion Program and ways to sponsor refugee families.

It will be an exciting evening which you will not want to miss! If anyone wishes to attend, but lacks transportation, please email justiceandpeace@cath-comm.org

“I tell you the truth , whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Mt 25: 35-36)


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