

Diocesan Missionary Cooperative Appeal

Posted on August 22, 2023 in: General News

Diocesan Missionary Cooperative Appeal

St. Bernard—9/2 & 9/3

St. Matthew—9/9 & 9/10

Dear good people of Blessed Sacrament Parish on behalf of my Archdiocese of Tabora we thank you for the opportunity for Fr. Andrew Mlele to visit your parish and make an appeal. Father Andrew is taking a summer break while currently working on his doctoral studies in Rome.

Our Mission is to preach the Good News to all people, to enhance evangelization through a participatory approach. To empower the Tabora community by involving the faithful in the identification of issues and helping them solve their own social problems. To make this mission possible we focus on widespread evangelization, furthering social-economic development, provision of health services for all, notably HIV/AIDS Victims, education of orphans/vulnerable children, building small Christian Communities and supporting the poor and the marginalized. In summary, the Archdiocese of Tabora carries out its mission under two major sections: pastoral and development offices.

This year the Archdiocese of Tabora focuses on education and protection of albinos, orphans and children from poor families and improvements of water and sanitation.

With a grateful heart, we thank you for your prayers and financial support,

Fr. Daniel Malingumu, US representative

Virginia Beach, VA

If you are donating to the Mission Appeal by check, please make the check out to Blessed Sacrament Parish with the memo line “ Mission Cooperative Appeal”.


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