

Faith Formation Volunteer Request

Posted on August 15, 2023 in: General News

Faith Formation Volunteer Request

Plans for the upcoming Faith Formation year are underway!

If you have been wondering how you could be more involved in the Blessed Sacrament Parish community, perhaps helping in the Faith Formation Office would be just the ticket!  Currently we have several openings for catechists and aides in the K-6 program and have a couple of openings for grades 7-Confirmation (CP-2).  Please use the below links to see our needs and/or to sign up to mentor our youngest members of our parish family.

Click here for K-6 

Click here for 7-Confirmation

For questions, please contact the Faith Formation Office: 860-872-0200, K-6 x 308, 7-CP2 x 306.

Phoebe.Szarek@cath-comm.org (K-6)

Bridget.thurston@cath-comm.org (7-CP2)

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