

Prayer Intentions for Lourdes Pilgrimage Notice

Posted on April 18, 2023 in: General News

Prayer Intentions for Lourdes Pilgrimage Notice

The Order of Malta – American Association is sponsoring their annual Pilgrimage to Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, France on 5/2 - 5/9/2023.  The Eastern CT Area is accepting your intentions to be hand-carried and deposited at the Grotto by an Area Knight of Malta.

Anyone may request Our Lady’s intercession for personal healing of physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual challenges.

Intention slips will be located near the exits of the church.  You can  return your prayer intentions during the collection in your offertory envelope or a separate envelope labelled “Lourdes Prayer Intention.”

Prayer intentions will be collected during each weekend Mass through April 30th.


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