St. Bernard Women’s Guild Meeting
Tuesday, February 7th - 6:00pm in the St. Bernard Church Hall
Bring your favorite pie for dessert and fellowship
To sign up for dessert send an email to: St.BernardWomen’
Frosty Village Bazaar Wrap up/Planning Meeting
Tuesday February 7th - 6:30pm in the St. Matthew Parish Center, Room 10
Anyone interested in joining our team are welcome.
Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting
Thursday, February 9th -9:30 - 11:30am in the St. Bernard Church Hall
We would love for you join us for an enjoyable morning of knitting/crocheting & fellowship. All are welcome.
For further information or to request a prayer shawl, lap robe, or pocket prayer shawl to give to someone, please call
Mary at (860) 872-2611 or Kathy at (860) 430-0659
Haiti Mission Meeting
Thursday, February 16th - at 4:30pm in a classroom
Will be held in the St. Matthew Parish Center.
Questions, please contact Sue @ (860) 371-1111.
Justice & Peace Meeting
Thursday, February 16th - at 6:00pm
Will be held in a classroom in the St. Matthew Parish Center.
Questions, please contact Sue @ (860) 371-1111.