

Christmas Gift Card Collection

Posted on December 07, 2022 in: General News

Christmas Gift  Card Collection

The deadline for donating is Sunday, December 11th.  

Our Justice and Peace Committee is collecting gift cards (in lieu of presents) for families in need. We will be collecting gift cards from any department or grocery store such as Target, Walmart, etc. A portion of the gift cards will also be distributed to the Manchester Dept. of Children and Family Services in addition to the Tolland Human Services and Vernon Social Services as previously stated in the bulletin. These agencies will distribute the gift cards to local families to help them enjoy a Merry Christmas. 

Please place gift cards in an envelope marked - Justice and Peace Christmas Collection - and drop them in the collection basket at any Mass at either church, or bring them to either church office. 

You can give twice by purchasing gift cards at the Gift Card Sale the weekends of December 3/4 or December 10/11.  You get the full value of the gift card to donate and our Haiti Mission receives a percentage of the sale from the retailer.

Call Sue Gilbertie @ 860-371-1111 with any questions. And thank you for helping our struggling neighbors during this blessed season.


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