Greeters are parishioners that are dedicated to attending the same Mass each weekend in order to give that welcome smile, a word of kindness and reassurance to people as they enter the church. The greeters make certain that everyone can find a seat at Mass. Along with the ushers, the greeters help to take up the collection.
After Mass, they will give a sincere "good day" as the parish bulletin is handed to the departing worshipers. After all have gone, the church is cleaned up in order for it to be presentable for the parishioners attending the next Mass. Usually this consists of raising the kneelers, checking for left behind items, placing the hymnals into the holders, etc.
Help is always needed and is greatly appreciated in this ministry.
For more information please contact the Parish Office.
St. Bernard (860) 875-0753
St. Matthew (860) 872-0200