Ministries & Groups

2021 Year in Review

As a parish family, we worked together in a difficult year to give glory to God.
Please take a minute and allow this video record of our year to touch your heart.

As a Catholic family, we are called by Christ to prayerfully create and nourish a vibrant community centered on the Eucharist and dedicated to service, spirituality, and evangelization. Thank you for being a part of our parish family.

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Directory of Ministries and Organizations

Communion Ministers

Posted in: Service, Sacraments

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Communion Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are men and women of faith who serve Holy Communion to the assembly and bring Holy Communion to those unable to come to Mass. Those with more extensive training assist the priest and deacon in the distribution of Holy Communion. Some bring Holy Communion to the sick and shut-ins. Their ministry is one of shared faith between two believers, the minister, and the communicant. A lively faith and internal prayer to Jesus, whose body and blood are being handled, is the foundation of this ministry. The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are called to humbly serve the Church as people of prayer and service.

For more information on how to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at Mass, or an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for the sick or homebound, please contact Fr. Rick or Deacon Mike at the Parish Office at (860) 872-0200.

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