Ministries & Groups

2021 Year in Review

As a parish family, we worked together in a difficult year to give glory to God.
Please take a minute and allow this video record of our year to touch your heart.

As a Catholic family, we are called by Christ to prayerfully create and nourish a vibrant community centered on the Eucharist and dedicated to service, spirituality, and evangelization. Thank you for being a part of our parish family.

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Directory of Ministries and Organizations

Women’s Guild at St. Matthew

Posted in: Service

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Women’s Guild at St. Matthew

The Guild is a diversely-talented group of spiritual women of the parish.  Our Mission is to dedicate ourselves to the Parish through spiritual, social and community development. We achieve these goals by fostering fellowship among our members and sharing our gifts with others in the service of our church and our community.  Some of our programs include: International Friendship Dinner, health and wellness, lectures, bingo fun night, holiday craft and cookies, collecting toiletries for Fox Hill residents, spirtual talks by our clergy, presentation of Baptismal garments to infants, "Bundles for Babies" for local mothers in need, baking and selling pies for Frosty Village AND having fun while doing all that!  We meet the second Wednesday of the month from 7-9:00PM in the Church Hall (excluding January & February) with meeting details in the Church bulletin.  For more information, contact the Parish Office.

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