Ministries & Groups

2021 Year in Review

As a parish family, we worked together in a difficult year to give glory to God.
Please take a minute and allow this video record of our year to touch your heart.

As a Catholic family, we are called by Christ to prayerfully create and nourish a vibrant community centered on the Eucharist and dedicated to service, spirituality, and evangelization. Thank you for being a part of our parish family.

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Directory of Ministries and Organizations

Small Christian Communities

Posted in: Spirituality, Individual Prayer

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Small Christian Communities

Small Church Communities are one way the Church provides an opportunity for ordinary people to help each other connect life and faith. The Small Church Communities recognize that every person has an experience of faith that adds to the life and meaning of the Church. Small Christian Communities gather for prayer, reflection, support, learning, and outreach.

The format for each community is selected by the community, but each community prays, reflects on the connection between life and faith, and renews its commitment to bring the Good News into all that we do. Many groups follow the Mass readings for the Sunday after their meeting which adds to the celebration of the Eucharist as process of breaking open the Word starts in the Small Christian Community. Other groups share in spiritual reading and bible study.

While Small Christian Communities meet regularly, each group decides its own schedule. Some meet weekly, some every other week and some meet monthly. Some groups meet in a common location while others meet in each others homes.

If you are interested in joining a Small Christian Community or learning more about them,

Please Contact
Deacon Michael Berstene

860-875-0753 X 301.

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