Grade 7-10 Faith Formation

Grades 7-Confirmation
Faith Formation




Grades 7-8 Faith Formation 

In grades 7 and 8 we are using Sadlier, "We Believe, We Live our Faith, Vol. 1".  These will be used for both years. We will be discovering in depth who God is and who Jesus is by taking a closer look at the Commandments and our Sacraments. 

Sessions will consist of a combination of learning from the "We Believe, We Live our Faith", large group activities, monthly 2nd Saturday Faith + Fun nights, with a couple of special events thrown in to make Faith Formation an exciting journey!

We will be living out our faith through friendships, learning, service, prayer and practice.

Students may choose one of two class times:  Mondays at St. Matthew's from 7pm-8pm or Tuesdays at St. Bernard's from 6pm-7pm.

Home study is offered for those teens in grades 7 and 8 who absolutely cannot attend in person sessions.  If situations change home study teens can always switch to in person sessions.   Everyone is encouraged to participate in the activities offered.

Home study participants are asked to drop off completed chapter assessments at either location. Please be sure to put your name on them.

St. Matthew – please place assignments and correspondence in the "Parish Office" drop box on the left-hand side of the lower entrance door.

St. Bernard – Please place assignments and correspondence in the red bin located in the vestibule of the Parish Office between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

You may also put them in an envelope and place in the collection basket at Mass.

Confirmation Prep years 1 & 2 (CP1 and CP2)

The Blessed Sacrament Parish Confirmation program follows the guidelines of the Diocese of Norwich. The program consists of 2 years of studying our Faith, the Sacraments, the lives of the Saints, the workings of the Holy Spirit in our lives, Catholic Social Teaching, community service, and so much more! We will delve into a deeper prayer life by attending Mass together, Adoration, and praying with different devotions of the Catholic Faith. Our vision is for all to grow in wisdom, knowledge, and love, having the confidence to go out into the world to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and live a faith-filled life, steeped in Catholic Tradition.

We will be using "Chosen Your Journey Toward Confirmation"  by Ascension Press

The teens will meet each week.  The sessions will consist of in-person classes, monthly 2nd Saturday Faith + Fun nights, which consist of Mass, fellowship, service and fun!  We will also experience testimonials from people who take their faith out into the work place, neighborhoods and beyond.

We will discover that our journey has just begun and can take us to the highest peaks!

Participants may choose sessions on Mondays at St. Matthew's from 7pm-8pm or Tuesdays at St. Bernard's from 6pm-7pm.

We will also experience a retreat each year of Confirmation Prep.

Wondering what Confirmation is all about?  Check out this video for a nice reminder of what Confirmation is: Confirmation 101