First Friday Eucharistic Adoration

First Friday Adoration

Please join us for First Friday Eucharistic Adoration.  This is a great opportunity for peaceful reflection, personal prayer or just relaxing in Jesus' Presence. 

"The Eucharist is a priceless treasure: by not only celebrating it but also by praying before it outside of Mass we are enabled to make contact with the very wellspring of Grace."  Pope St John Paul II


First Friday Adoration Schedule

Adoration hours are from 3:00pm to 7:00pm on the first Friday of every month. 

You are welcome to come spend any amount of time with Our Lord.  Adoration alternates each month between our two campuses.   

Learn More ...

Below are some links to learn more about the practice of Eucharistic Adoration. Informational pamphlets are also available at both churches. from Formed From CatholicLink from ASCENSION – The Faith Formation Leaders